How Borro Loans Work

How Borro Loans Work

Do you know the difference between getting a loan and selling your asset with Borro by Luxury Asset Capital? If you want to get a loan on an asset, you ship it to us and we store it in our vault for the duration of your loan. If you keep your account active by making your monthly payments, you will have your asset sent back to you once the loan has been repaid. If you are trying to sell an asset with us, we will give you the amount agreed upon in the contract and then we will work on the sale of the asset with our various vendors.

Did you know that you could liquidate the assets you only use for special occasions? Do you have a purse that you never take out and it just sits in your closet waiting for that special occasion? If so, you can still maintain ownership of that purse, but you can also get a loan using that as your collateral. You send us the purse, we fund the loan and then you make monthly payments and once the loan amount has been re-paid, we send the purse back to you. It is that simple.

We want to make the word loan take you to a happy place. Often times people get discouraged when they hear the word “loan” as it usually connects to a home mortgage, student loans, etc. Here at Luxury Asset Capital, we like to look at a loan as a way for you to take that vacation you have always wanted, or purchase an asset you have had your eyes on. Since your own asset is the collateral, you are using an asset that makes you happy to get the loan. We want to make a loan something that is not intimidating but rather an avenue to get something you want or need by using something you already have.


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