Louis Vuitton handbags have remained an instantly recognizable indicator of style and quality for well over a century. Prices of these iconic leather goods range from $1500 to $15,000 and some well over $30,000. Many are priced under $4000, making them an affordable luxury, owned by millions of women worldwide. Louis Vuitton bags are often cited as being part of the exclusive “holy trinity” of luxury handbag brands, along with Chanel and Hermès.
Owing to their popularity, quality, and the enduring strength of the Louis Vuitton brand, Louis Vuitton handbags are a luxury asset with a strong track record of retaining or appreciating in value. For example, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull Tote has been reported to retain 85% of its value generally, with some limited edition versions doubling in price over the 10 years since its introduction.
Louis Vuitton handbags are consistently among the most popular luxury assets used to obtain collateral loans. Collateral loans are a reliable, fast, and easy way to access cash with no credit check, credit history, or financial disclosures. For example, Louis Vuitton handbag owners, collectors, and retailers can obtain loans of up to 75% of the current resale value of their handbag or handbags from collateral lenders such as Borro in only a few days. “Louis Vuitton is the world’s most valuable luxury brand because their price point makes it possible for many people to own an asset with such iconic design, great quality and timeless style,” said Borro’s chief underwriter, Richard Shultz, GG (GIA). “This is why many Borro clients use Louis Vuitton handbags as collateral for their loans.”